Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Jewellery and Precious Stone as an Investment

Every woman will love diamonds, rubies, safirs, and other precious stones, as well as gold and white gold.

Actually, this is a very good advantage for them to have those jewels and stones as savings and investments.

Jewels as savings may not give enough liquidity on bad days. You should first sell your precious things to get money for paying your urgency such as hospital bills. Maybe it is easier to put your savings in terms of money.

As savings, you can wear your jewels to attend a fancy dinner with style. Of course, you should be aware of your own security since you may get robbed at the same time.

Precious stones and jewels as savings could bring you capital gain when your items being highly appreciated later, and the profit you get maybe higher than your bank interest rate, that is why you can use your jewels as an investment.

What you should be aware of having jewels as savings and investments are:
  • You should get a certified jewels and stones.
    It is easier to sell a certified item, usually it has its standard price, so your item will not be undervalued by other party.

  • Make sure you know where to sell it on a fair place.
    It is important when you are in needs so that you do not waste your time in looking for a buyer.

  • Choose good quality items.
    High quality jewels and stones will be easier to get rid off compared to under quality items.

Having jewels and precious stones as savings and investments can bring you some memories by giving them as family heritage to your kids and grandkids.