Often moms choose to run a home based business for extra earning, so they still can have quality time with their children & family.
However, business is business to be run although often moms can’t make a business time alone. It needs extra effort to work without children annoyance.
So, I want to share 5 tips for working at home moms:
However, business is business to be run although often moms can’t make a business time alone. It needs extra effort to work without children annoyance.
So, I want to share 5 tips for working at home moms:
- Give your children something to do. When you needs concentration, better to do it when children go to school or have somebody play & watch over them.
- Make yourself a working space, better if you have your own home office. But if you don’t have extra room, a corner space of your own would be enough. Explain to your kids that this is mommy office and mommy should not be bothered when she is working there.
- Make yourself a schedule. It’s important as without a schedule you will tend to working around on so many things but not achieve much. And the most important thing, do your schedule without any excuses.
- Be professional, although you might be used to wear whatever you like at home, you should look at yourself as a businessman. This will improve your business attitude as well.
- Give your spouse understanding; ask him to help you with the children especially when you are busy. But please however family comes first as the main reason you are running home based business is for having quality time with your family.
- Make list to do for your household activity as well, so you can be sure that it’s well taking care of.
Hope that list helps you working better at home.
You won’t be perfect at the beginning, but as the time goes by, I am sure you will be a better and efficient working at home moms. Don’t worry.
And if you have more opinions, suggestions, please feel free to write to me on the email below, Perhaps I would put it in this blog to be shared with other as well.